Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please contact us.

We need Buildings Insurance but our Club Room is not built of standard brick and tile type construction. Will you insure wooden huts or portacabins?

We understand that many Model Railway Clubs & Societies use non-standard constructed premises, such as wooden huts or portacabins. It is very likely that we can offer a quotation. Please telephone us on 01636 858249 with the following additional information:

  1. Construction of the property (walls, roof and floors)
  2. Description of the physical and any electronic security
  3. Details of property location and use

We attend exhibitions on mainland Europe. Will your Exhibition Insurance policy cover us?

Please telephone us for an alternative quotation. Ansvar will endeavour to provide cover at a competitive premium whenever they can.

Our Exhibitions include 'live steam' layouts. Will your Exhibition policy cover us?

We automatically cover 'live steam' but only up to and including Gauge 1 and subject to the following conditions:

  1. Each working layout is to be barriered off from the public
  2. A steward to be on duty at each stand whilst the exhibition is open to the public
  3. Prior notice must be given to us of any proposed exhibition involving a layout where passengers will be carried
  4. The Exhibition Manager to hold a complete inventory of all items of an individual value in excess of £250 (layouts excepted) forming part of that exhibition, a copy of which must be retained in a separate building.

We have 'live steam' exhibits above Gauge 1. Are you able to provide cover?

Please telephone us on: 01636 858249 for individual consideration.

We have left arranging our Exhibition Insurance to the last minute. How quickly can cover be arranged? 

Cover can be arranged immediately, even if you are unable to get the premium payment to us prior to the Exhibition starting. We will invoice you for the premium and expect prompt payment within 7 days.

We are likely to have more than £3,000 money from our exhibition on a single day. Can this be covered?

Yes, please ring: 01636 858249 for a quote. We may need further security details. 

Contact Us

Got a question? Call us on
01636 858249
or email:
