Our Model Railway Exhibition Insurance policy automatically includes Public & Products Liability cover up to a standard Limit of Indemnity of £2,000,000 in respect of any claim arising out of a single event and has an option to increase the Limit of Indemnity to £5,000,000 if required, as sometimes it is a condition under the hiring agreement, particularly in respect of Local Authority premises, that a £5,000,000 indemnity limit is required.
This section provides cover for sums which you are legally liable to pay as costs, expenses or damages in respect of accidental death or bodily injury to the public (excludes bodily injury to volunteers, as this is covered under the Employers’ Liability section) or damage to their property occurring during the period of insurance, including liability arising from the sale or supply of goods. Please refer to the Please refer to the Policy Wording Section 1 for full cover details.